Jennifer Green | The last Prince of Punjab


Coloured pencil on paper

70 x 85 cm

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Coloured pencil on paper

70 x 85 cm

Coloured pencil on paper

70 x 85 cm

The last Prince of Punjab

In the artwork titled “The Last Prince of Punjab”

The artist explores the surreal and poignant tale of Maharaja Duleep Singh, the last Maharaja of Punjab, who was just 10 years old when he was forced to abdicate his throne. With vivid colours, the loss of the Koh-i-Noor diamond to the Crown and the Maharaja’s subsequent exile into the world of his captors are conveyed.

Jennifer Green | Looty
Jennifer Green | Stone of Scone
Jennifer Green | The Gweagal Shield
Jennifer Green | Sarah Baartman
Jennifer Green | The Dodo and the Tasmanian Tiger