Philip Senior and Shelley O’Keefe
29 Nov - 10 Dec 2023
Opening Night
Friday 1 Dec | 6 - 8pm
Artist Statement- Shelley O’Keefe
As a contemporary artist, Shelley feels a responsibility to reflect the world as she sees it, this includes current geopolitical issues and its effects on the living world.
For this exhibition, Terra. Aqua. Terra. 2023, she has taken Water, the source of life, and developed themes specifically around vulnerability and displacement in relation to the impact of climate change on people’s lives and our natural environment.
The positive landscapes included in this exhibition serve as a reminder of the abundance and diversity of nature which hopefully future generations may also experience if we work together in agreement and act now.
Artist Statement - Philip Senior
We humans are predominantly made up of six elements and these we share with all other matter on the Earth.
Us, the Earth, and everything on it are made of matter, and the only difference between different kinds of matter is the way their atoms fit together. Our cognitive state gives us the capacity for imagination and thoughts to ponder and indulge in this remarkable fact.
Philip’s work for this exhibition is a continuation of his pondering.
Artist CV
Shelley studied Fine Arts at the University of Sydney and taught art at various Sydney High schools. During this time she attended a private art studio for painting and drawing and exhibited at The Harrington Street Gallery, a local cooperative inner-city gallery.
In 2018 and 2019 she spent a total of 6 months in Berlin as part of the TAKT Berlin Residency program and participated in two group exhibitions at the Tapir gallery.
2020 and 2022 Shelley was involved in the Artist Residency program at Gallery Lane Cove, Sydney, in preparation for her 2022 Velaman exhibition and also the New England Regional Art Museum.
Recent exhibitions
2023: ‘Bello ArtsTrail’, The Stables, Bellingen
2023: StudioW, Woolloomooloo, Sydney
2022: ‘Women Protest’ REDgallery, Fitzroy
2022: ‘Misconceptions Reset’, Gallery Lane Cove and Creative Studios
2022: ‘Northern Exposure’, Glasshouse Gallery, Port Macquarie,(regional selection of artists)
2022: ‘Misconceptions’, New England Regional Art Museum
2022: Studio W, Woolloomooloo Sydney (part of Sydney Arts Month)
2021: ‘on the wall, off the wall post it’ , Bellingen Arts Week
2021: ‘Metamorphosis’, On-Line exhibition Gallery Lane Cove and Creative Studios
2020: ‘Di Scorcio’, Studio W, Woolloomooloo, Sydney (part of Sydney Arts Month)
2019: ‘Field of Vision’, Tapir Gallery, Berlin
2019: ‘ReSTORYING our Planet’, The Stables Bellingen, (part of the Leaf festival)
2019: ‘Mixed Messages’, Bellingen Gallery & Framing Studio, (OUTA event)
2018: ‘Everything Flows’, Berlin, Tapir Gallery
2017: ‘Inner’ Bellingen Gallery & Framing Studio, part of the Open Up to Art event (OUTA )
Art Talks
2021: ‘Metamorphosis’, Online workshop & zoom discussion, Gallery Lane Cove & Creative Studios
2019: ‘Contemporary Art in Europe’ at the Nexus Gallery, Bellingen
2019: ‘Contemporary Australian Art’, GlogauAIR Residency, Berlin
2014: ‘Banksy’, Nexus Gallery, Bellingen
2013: ‘Degenerate Art’, Memorial Hall, Bellingen, Arts Week
Phone : (03) 9482 3550
157 St Georges Rd
Fitzroy North, Victoria, 3068
How to get here
Tram: route 11
Stop 21 just north of Edinburgh Gardens
Melway ref: 30B12
Parking in nearby streets
Bus: 504 (Reid Street)