Lizzie Hone

Urban Scrawl

16 February – 5 March 2011

I am attracted to the visual statement graffiti makes in our urban environment. Impressed by the bold colours and complex spatial arrangements evident in these stylistic wall works, I aim to capture this aesthetic in my sculptures.

Graffiti-inspired sculpture involves an irony of sorts: the production of an object of permanence from a fleeting vulnerable mark.  The graffiti is transformed into a wooden structure, wrapped in a metal jacket, fashioned from discarded aluminium drink cans. The can’s throw-away destiny to become landfill is arrested as it is re-commissioned as art. Some of the works present for free-standing rotational viewing, while the wall-mounted pieces refer back to the sculptures’ origins as graffiti.

Although my source of subject is influenced by a contemporary context, my art may be seen as fundamentally traditional in that I reference the work of other (albeit anonymous) artists. The completed sculpture is the end product of my underlying desire to capture the colour, balance, and movement of graffiti.

Lizzie Hone is a graduate of Monash University, having studied under the direction of Anthony Pryor, Geoffrey Bartlett, and Gus Dall’ava.  As a practising artist at the House Of Windsor studio, she spent many years sharing that space with William Eicholtz and Robert Bridgewater.  Lizzie Hone now works independently out of her own studio in eastern Melbourne. This is her first solo exhibition at red gallery.

Phone : (03) 9482 3550

157 St Georges Rd
Fitzroy North, Victoria, 3068

How to get here
Tram: route 11
Stop 21 just north of Edinburgh Gardens

Melway ref: 30B12
Parking in nearby streets

Bus: 504 (Reid Street)


Mark Rose


Janet Goldman