Angela Marcuccio

Too Beautiful

28 August - 8 September 2024


Opening Night

Friday 30 August | 6 - 8pm


The Question 

When people inquire about my artistic inspirations and the choice to predominantly portray women in my art, I find myself on a reflective journey.

Embracing femininity and beauty comes naturally to me as a self-proclaimed 'girly girl.' The timeless charm and grace of the 1950s and 60s movie stars deeply influence my creations. I've always harbored a deep admiration for these extraordinary women, yearning to capture a glimpse of their essence, perhaps even hoping to mirror their beauty.

Through my art, I confront personal insecurities — feeling inadequate, not pretty enough, not tall enough — a constant battle against a lurking sense of melancholy. Despite my aspirations and dreams, I still find myself feeling like I fall short of those iconic standards.

My creative endeavor serves as a means to combat this underlying sadness. I strive for those who engage with my work to unearth joy and serenity, to be entranced by the beauty illustrated in the portraits and be transported by the eyes that gaze back at them.

My goal is not to prompt introspection or evoke sadness but to simply share a piece of myself through art, offering a sanctuary of tranquility and beauty to all who pause to appreciate it.


In a crucial moment at a meeting with a gallery owner who was also an artist, my skills were praised, but my drawings were referred to as "pretty pictures" indicating a lack of full acknowledgment as an artist. Although this feedback initially shook me, I refused to let it discourage me. I picked one of my pieces, added paint splatters, and confidently stated,

"I will show you the type of artist I truly am." 

This process led me to uncover my authentic artistic voice, culminating in the title of my exhibition, "Too Beautiful."

This title signifies not just my journey back to embracing my identity as an artist but also stands as a tribute to the beauty that emerges from facing and overcoming challenges.

My story serves as a testament to self-discovery and artistic evolution, revealing the inherent strength and talent that reside within me. I will forever be grateful for that meeting. 

Phone : (03) 9482 3550

157 St Georges Rd
Fitzroy North, Victoria, 3068

How to get here
Tram: route 11
Stop 21 just north of Edinburgh Gardens

Melway ref: 30B12
Parking in nearby streets

Bus: 504 (Reid Street)


Julie McKenzie


Sue Beyer