Rosemary Clark

Patterns and Perspectives

13 - 24 July 2022


Opening Night

Friday 15th July | 6pm – 8pm


In Patterns and Perspectives, Rosemary Clark continues her exploration of cropping and  framing as compositional devices.  Adjusting the focus, and the viewer’s  perspective, can result in sometimes  dramatic changes in imagery and mood, a  process she finds endlessly fascinating. Rosemary also uses this tight framing to  find a way towards abstraction, although  the paintings are essentially figurative. In most cases, the works in this  exhibition are based on scarves we wear  to brighten chilly winter days.

Rosemary’s natural interest in the  visual arts was stimulated during her  work for the Philatelic Group at  Australia Post. During her 20 year career  there, she worked with graphic designers,  artists and illustrators, photographers  and cartoonists, commissioned to produce  artwork for Australian stamps.

This later inspired her to undertake a  Diploma of Visual Art at Victoria  University. She works primarily with oil  paint and is interested in the emotional  impact of colour and the aesthetic  qualities of abstraction. Her work sits in the space between figuration and  abstraction. 

Artist Bio

Rosemary Clark completed a Diploma of Visual Arts at Victoria University in 2012, and has  continued learning with Fitzroy Painting for  the past ten years. 

She has exhibited regularly as part of  Fitzroy Painting at Red Gallery and St Heliers Street Gallery, Abbotsford  Convent, at MIRA in Marysville (with Mim Kocher) and in various group exhibitions.

Phone : (03) 9482 3550

157 St Georges Rd
Fitzroy North, Victoria, 3068

How to get here
Tram: route 11
Stop 21 just north of Edinburgh Gardens

Melway ref: 30B12
Parking in nearby streets

Bus: 504 (Reid Street)


Ned Johnson


Myrna McRae