Kate Gorringe-Smith

Memories of Flight

16 February – 5 March 2011

One quarter of Australia’s current population was born in another country. However we got here, wherever we are from, whether we move fifty kilometers or ten thousand, we are united by the experience of the journey we have undertaken. Whether we set out in terror of our lives, or with a spirit of adventure, we faced the unknown, journeyed to an unfamiliar place, and settled – whether by choice, necessity or by the accumulation of the weight of time in one place, of family and possessions.

Every journey, even an inward one, bears elements of uncertainty and loss. Every journey is a story. We are all bound by the threads of our journeys, just as all the peoples and countries of the world are literally and figuratively connected by the traversings and migrations of people and animals, since the world began.

Kate Gorringe-Smith is a printmaker and illustrator.  With a B.A. in Zoolology, a Bachelor of Applied Science and a Bachelor of Fine Arts in printmaking, she has worked and exhibited in Australia, London and Tokyo.  Her freelance illustrating can be seen in “Birds Australia” and various publications by the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources; Victorian Institute of Marine Sciences; Conservation Council of Victoria and Victorian National Parks Association.  This is her first solo exhibition at red gallery.

Phone : (03) 9482 3550

157 St Georges Rd
Fitzroy North, Victoria, 3068

How to get here
Tram: route 11
Stop 21 just north of Edinburgh Gardens

Melway ref: 30B12
Parking in nearby streets

Bus: 504 (Reid Street)


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